

The cover of Landscape with the most basic form of the landscape line-drawing used throughout the book.


The back cover, with a tiny illustration of a dog.

This 6.5-inch by 6-inch saddle-stitched volume pairs text by Larry Fagin with illustrations by George Schneeman. In The Angel Hair Anthology, Fagin describes writing the poem as gift for Allen Ginsberg based on “notebook jottings from a trip to Venice in 1966.” Schneeman uses one line per page as the basis for his illustrations, starting with a simple landscape in which a road curves through fields; on each subsequent page, more details are added to the drawing, until by the end, the scene bursts with disconnected actions.

Larry Fagin and George Schneeman. Landscape. New York: Angel Hair Books, 1972.


The first page, on which "The little white dog wags his tail."


The next page: "The red mill turns silently."


The next page: "The movie line is a mile long."


The final page: "A lettuce leaf floats by."