[Dear Once-Incarnate-Silence]

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Image of "[Dear Once-Incarnate-Silence]"


Cover of Mule

Shane McCrae. From Mule. Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2011.

Image writes this about Shane McCrae’s work: “The first poems Shane McCrae ever wrote that were any good (in his own estimation) were poems addressed to God spoken by people he imagined to be in Hell. He had just become a Christian after years of contemplation and struggle, and he wanted his poems to speak not only of his new devotion, but also of his struggle. And that was how, quite accidentally, he avoided sentimentalizing his religious convictions.” Engagement with mystery fuels McCrae's writing: In an interview with The Millions, McCrae says, "I find the mystery(ies) of God overpoweringly attractive—when thinking about God, one inhabits a space in which one can think forever."

[Dear Once-Incarnate-Silence]