Shush Da Bizaad
Shush Da Bizaad. Fort Wingate, NM: Language Arts Department, Wingate High School, 1970.
Shush Da Bizaad (Language of the Bears) was a monthly literary arts magazine produced by New Mexico's Wingate High School, which serves Indigenous (Diné) students. As seen here, the writing and art in this journal showcased students' traditional knowledge and hopes for the future. The Poetry Center's holdings of this journal are a gift of Barbara Grygutis and Larry Evers.
Shush Da Bizaad. Fort Wingate, NM: Language Arts Department, Wingate High School, 1970.
Shush Da Bizaad. Fort Wingate, NM: Language Arts Department, Wingate High School, 1971.
Shush Da Bizaad. Fort Wingate, NM: Language Arts Department, Wingate High School, 1971.