Elective Affinities [Manuscript]


The cover of the pre-publication manuscript with a handwritten title (by Anne Waldman). 

This manuscript copy of Jonathan Cott’s Elective Affinities gives us a fascinating peek into the Angel Hair publication process. The typed manuscript is stapled together, with the title and author handwritten on the cover (by Anne Waldman) and corrections written in ink throughout.

Jonathan Cott. Elective Affinities [Angel Hair pre-publication manuscript]. Ca. 1970.

Excerpt 1.jpg

An excerpt from the manuscript copy of Elective Affinities. 

Excerpt 2.jpg

An excerpt from the manuscript copy of Elective Affinities. 

Excerpt 3 with correction.jpg

An excerpt from the manuscript copy of Elective Affinities, with a correction handwritten in blue ink.