Octopus Vulgaris

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Full view of "Octopus Vulgaris."

Designed by the poet Jehanne Dubrow, this broadside of a poem by Nicky Beer captivates the attention through its brilliant violet image of octopus tentacles, twisting out of the poem’s title and the author’s name. The deckle edge—the uncut, raw edge of the paper at the bottom of the broadside—echoes the poem’s text as well, Beer describing the octopus a “pupil-Pandora,” an awesome and uncontainable spectacle pressed against the tank’s glass.

Nicky Beer. “Octopus Vulgaris.” Chestertown: Literary House Press, 2016.

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Detail of title and purple octopus tentacle print.

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Detail of Nicky Beer's signature in blue ink and purple octopus tentacle print.

Octopus Vulgaris